Dye-Sublimated Headband

Imprint Methods: Sublimation Process, Direct Imprint.

Please Note: Dye-sublimated headband measuring 18" L x 0.75" W for keeping hair and sweat away from the face when exercising..

Get more people to see the value in your brand when you give out this fantastic headband! It's made to keep hair and sweat out of you face and eyes while exercising. It measures 18" L x 0.75" W and features a dye-sublimated imprint with excellent gradations in color. Even the most intricate image can appear in crisp detail. This is great as a giveaway at a gym, sporting goods store, and more. Add a label to this and get ahead of the competition!
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Dye-Sublimated Headband

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Quantity 250+ 500+ 1000+
Price 1.45 1.45
Price Includes: 1 Color Print / 1 Location
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